
Digital Book Exchange

Hello Colleagues and Friends,

As we anxiously await Fall, our hearts and minds turn to many things that we are experiencing, and many things we are excited about. Before you put away the sun screen and the beach towel, may I ask a question? What book did you read this summer that has brought you joy and changed the way you are living your best life this school year? For me its:

Book cover for Hacking Leadership
Hacking Leadership by Joe Sanfelippo and Tony Sinanis

This book not only taught me some new things, but more importantly, it reminded me of the things that I know, love, and oftentimes forget to do. I am living a better life this school year because I read this book this summer.

I am putting the call out to a number of colleagues and friends as I look forward to my fall and winter readings. As you reply and share your book, let me know if you want the compiled list once I have it complete. It’s my way of trying to make our beautiful community of educators a little give one, take one stand at the corner of my proverbial street.

Cheers to a beautiful and prosperous autumn,

Happy Reading!


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Ben Sullens

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