Welcome to Learning Forward Arizona
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Welcome to Learning Forward Arizona
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Letter from the president
Greetings Arizona Educators,
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to Learning Forward Arizona! We are a statewide network committed to the proposition that high-quality professional learning for every educator is not only essential, but is in fact an equity issue.
Two years ago under the brilliant leadership of our Past President, Mary Bouley, amidst a global pandemic, we were able to reignite the Arizona Affiliate of Learning Forward bringing together educators from all over the great state of Arizona. The affiliate provided the latest educational research along with top educational thought leaders to build our collective capacity around critical issues facing the institute of education. Building a vast professional network is at the heart of the work we do as educators in this authentic professional learning community.
This year we are thrilled to continue our focus on learning and networking through:
- The Integration of the newly adopted professional learning standards,
- A greater partnership with the Arizona Department of Education,
- Learning events designed for impact, and
- A greater reach of our network to encompass more of our rural colleagues.
To learn more about the organization and how you can become more involved please plan to please join us at one of our upcoming networking meetings via zoom and/or contact us at learningforwardaz@gmail.com so that we can add you to our mailing list.
Take Care,
Angela Frankenfield
President, Learning Forward Arizona
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Network with colleagues, enjoy collaborative professional learning, and increase your leadership capacity with these upcoming events. Learning Forward conferences give evidence-based research and practical strategies to empower you and your peers to achieve excellent results.
Our Resources
Search our repository of resources on developing leader capacity for building high-quality professional learning systems that lead to Hundreds of learning, teaching, and leadership titles will inspire you, expand your knowledge, and help you develop the skills to support student success.
Become a Member
Network with colleagues who are enthusiastic about improving their skills, staying up to date on the latest knowledge and trends, and building leadership capacity.